CSS Zen Garden

Yellow Rocks

HTML Pastel Blocks Yellow Rocks Blank Home


I got the idea from a website called CSS Zen Garden, where you download their HTML (HTML is used for the website content) and add CSS, but it was really complicated since their HTML code was complicated. Check out how I made these pages at my blog!

My blog CSS Zen Garden View the untouched HTML.

Whimsical Watercolor

Come check out my art blog, Whimsical Watercolor! I post tutorials, random artwork and sometimes other stuff.

My Shop

Check out my shop! I have various products with my art on them.

The Rules

  1. I can change the CSS.
  2. I can change the logo and favicon.
  3. I can add "div" tags to separate things into classes
  4. I can add "br" tags to create empty space.
  5. I can change the title and subtitle (which is where I'm going to display the name of the design).
  6. I can add text alignment tags such as "center".
  7. I can move sections of text around.

Now for some art, because I need more content on this page.

Shell Painting

Shell Painting

Psalm 2:31

Psalm 2:31

